Hey there ladies and gentlemen!
I'm sure there are several of you out there who at some point in time, have notice a lot
of hair breakage. I've been there! So now i am going to try and help you out by sharing ways
to help reduce hair breakage :)
Let's get started shall we?
Make sure to trim your ends!
Okay, I will fully admit that I am very bad at trimming my hair every 4-6 weeks or however many weeks that it is required, and i end up with very dried ends, and I have to cut more hair than I wanted to just so I can make my hair healthier.
By trimming your hair as recommended, this will help eliminate the chances of split ends getting out of control to the point where they either break off on their own, or the hair splits all the way up the hair shaft and a SERIOUS cut is needed. So keep up with your hair! Only trim the bottom of your hair a little at a time: 1/4 - 1/2 an inch, plus they are less traumatic if a serious cut is needed ;-)
Protein, Protein, Protein!
Those who have relaxed or color treated hair like myself, are in need of more protein than others due to coloring and relaxing breaks protein.
However, you must keep in mind that TOO MUCH protein will have the reverse effect on your hair! What I mean by this is that, having WAY too much protein then you need will cause your hair to dry out rather than restore!
Manage your heat!

Using heat, especially high heat on your hair everyday, will only draw out moisture leading to breakage, and even hair loss.
Using excessive heat on your hair on a daily basis, only adds stress to your hair, so let your hair breath! Cut back on the amount of heat, or remember to ALWAYS use a heat protectant! This is crucial and I cannot stress this enough! Also, invest in a humidifier, and turn it on at night, the moisture that is created will help with any dryness!
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